Monday 20 April 2009

Technical data, and Euro 5

Fleet News reports that the Commission has set up a new working party to deal with the requirement under Euro 5 for technical information on new cars to be made available to the independent repair sector. The headline says "Repairers to benefit from new EU rules": I have two problems with that - first that the EU does not make rules in this area, the EC does, and more importantly that repairers will actually end up with less than they already have.

Euro 5, being concerned with type approval, affects only new vehicles. The block exemption imposes requirements that apply to all vehicles. While (as I understand it) in some respects Euro 5 will be stronger, the fact that moving from the block exemption to the new rule will immediately take the existing car parc out of the requirement strikes me as a huge step backwards (or forwards, depending on your viewpoint, but I think most would say backwards). Perhaps Commission bureaucrats can afford to replace their Mercs or BMWs so frequently they don't appreciate the problem.

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